Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wed. March 27th Meeting Update

Yesterday, we completed Smile Cards for sick people in the hospital as part of the Light Green, Considerate and Caring flower petal. We shared how we have been considerate and caring with our friends and families. The girls also practiced being considerate when coloring and did an excellent job. 

Please glue and iron on the Light Green Petal (there is also a Dark Green petal which will work on next - see below).  We also took a nature walk and gathered sticks, stones, leafs etc. for future use when we build our fairy houses later this spring. 

Once the weather warms, we will hold as many meetings as possible outside to enjoy nature and learn more about the "Out & About" side of girl scouts. Lot of fun days ahead! 

Dark Green Petal is next on our agenda. It is focused on "Using Resources Wisely". Please practice the Daisy Song and GS Pledge. Thank you.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Patches, Field Trips & Summer Camp!


Yesterday, we concluded out unit on "Fair & Honest" of the Girl Scout Law (Light Blue Petal). Please glue and iron on the petal on your daughter's vest/smock. Also, please iron/glue your daughter's earned Cookie patch too. If you don't have one yet and would like Emilie to pick up one patch for you at the Girl Scout store, please contact her directly. *All girls will receive a Cookie participation patch. This is in addition to that patch.

Going forward, I think it makes sense for us to buy the patches and distribute them to the girls at our meetings (it'll be much more fun for them and learning the GS laws will become more immediate and relevant). So, starting with the Cookie patch we will buy the patches and you can send in money on Daisy days. They are usually $1.25 ea. plus CT sales tax. 
I'll let you know ahead of time what patch we're working on and when to send in cash. (This does not effect the Daisy Flower Petals, you will continue to puts these on as we earn them since we're already far into the year.) Thank you.


At our meeting Wed., we started brainstorming about fun spring trips and stuff to do now that spring is nearly here. Jen/Heather are also doing some research (right?) to present to us as a troop in late April. The girl's suggestions include: manicure, bowling, pizza party, movies...the usual suspects. Let's wow them with a several small excursions and perhaps a larger year-end party!
At the end of the month, we'll be sending along suggested outside group activities for the troop such as a letterboxing hike through the GS of CT. If anyone has suggestions, which could also incorporate community service and earned patches, please send them to Emilie or I. These are always optional activities but it would be great if we could get the girls together outside Spring Glen! 

Lastly, If you register for any residential or day girl scout camp by April 1, there is an early bird discount of up to $30. I'm planning on sending Gigi to a "try-it" overnight camp at my former girl scout camp, Timber Trails, in Tolland, Mass. It's about a 80 min. drive up Route 8 and right over the border in the southern Berkshires, set on a lake and in a really beautiful area. 
Camp Timber Trails, Tolland, MA For me as a young girl, it was an amazing, magical experience that I started every summer at 6. Eventually, I worked up to 2 weeks until I was about 13 because of the horses! (yes, there are horses at this camp!) and it was a lot of fun. It's a high quality camp, all the girls eat together in the "mess" hall and bunk together by age group and unit. They'll swim, hike, arts & crafts,  sing GS songs as they roast marshmallows over fire and of course, experience overnight camp (no electricity!) with other girl scouts. 
I have very fond memories of this wonderful place and made some great friends that I did keep in touch with, at least for a little while. As you can see, I kind of wish I was 7 again and dreaming of summer camp. I can't say enough about this great place and if you go online you see pictures and get more info.

If you might be thinking about this unique summer experience, let me know and our girls can "bunk" together as "buddies" and be in the same group. Below are the details of the "try-it" session and a link:

Discover Timber Trails (Grades 2 – 3) Fee: $255
Three Day/Two Night Programs For campers going into grades 2-3Try-It A – June 30-July 2
Try-It C -  July 7-9 - Gigi will be doing this one
Is this your first time to sleep-away-camp? If so, gather your friends and come fill your days with fantastic fun in the sun. Enjoy swimming, boating,games, nature, arts & crafts, and making lots of friends. All of these fun camp activities packed together for this mini overnight try-it program. Discover TT is a beginning overnight camp experience for two nights and three days. Check-in is Sunday 3:00-4:00 p.m. Check out is Tuesday at 7:30 p.m 

Happy Scouting!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Meeting Wed. March 13, 2013

Don't forget our meeting this Wednesday March 13th. Emilie has put together a great hour of fun and learning activities for the girls. Please get your irons ready after tomorrow's meeting! We'll be working on achieving the "light blue" petal which represents honest and fair in the Girl Scout Law. 

Circle time- Daisy pledge, friendship squeezeMusical chairsSnack - Molly*Game - Pass the Penny
Girls receive blue petal

*Jennifer - Molly is snack bearer! 

As of 3/13, Girls should be wearing the following patches & insignia in blue bold:

Additional patches to be bought and wearing:
  • Cookie Patch
  • World Thinking Day (if you participated)

Where to Place Insignia on a Uniform Girl Scout Daisies (Grades K-1)