Monday, January 7, 2013

Here's to a Great 2013!


Welcome back! We hope everyone had a restful holiday break and is ready to get down to Daisy business, chiefly receiving badges and getting ready to sell cookies! I plan on attending the general council meeting on Jan. 9 (perhaps with Lancia, our Fearless Cookie Leader!) and will have collateral for you soon along with important operational details. I will create a "go-to info" posting with pertinent details over the next week.

If you have a moment, watch the latest Girl Scout What Can a Cookie Do? video with your Daisy scout for an inspiring look into just how powerful those treats—and the girls who sell them—can be.

With every season of cookies, another generation of girls learns five important skills:
• Goal setting
• Decision making
• Money management
• People skills
• Business ethics

Most of all, girls gain a tremendous amount of confidence. It’s not easy to ask people to buy something—you have to speak up, look them in the eye, and believe in what you’re doing—all skills that help a girl succeed now and throughout the rest of her life.

DAISY MOMS - Dust off your Irons! 
First order of our 2013 meeting will be to talk about BADGES! The girls will receive their Blue Promise Center badge after Wednesday's meeting as well as two additional petals: Violet and Rose (see below). I made certificates for each which we will hand out on Wednesday. 

Having completed activities for the Rose Petal which stands for making the world a better place in December (we made pine cone birdseed feeders for our woodland creatures), we will complete a daisy chain necklace to be exchanged between our girls for the Violet Petal which means Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout. 

Below is our meeting agenda. If you are the designated snack bearer, please remember to bring snack for 8 without nuts - fresh fruit, crackers, cheese or whatever suits your fancy.

Theme: Getting to Know Girl Scouts Better

Friendship Squeeze
Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law

·       What is a promise?
·       Why is it important to keep our promises?
·       What if we forget?
·       What do the words, “I will try” mean?

In the Girl Scout Promise it says, “and to live by the Girl Scout Law.”  
Review the Girl Scout Law:  
I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Explain to the girls about the Daisy petals again – each of the petals is a different color, and each color  represents a different part of the Girl Scout Law. Then, each girl will receive all of the Daisy Petals and put them together on a sheet of paper as we review the Girl Scout Law.

We will talk about receiving the BLUE, ROSE, and VIOLET Badges and handout a certificate. Moms are asked to iron/glue them on the vest as seen below.

Girls will make a bead necklace, using the string and beads and exchange them anonymously with another Daisy. This activity ties in the GS Law - Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout which we will discuss.

___ Promise Center – Daisy Blue
___ Light Blue – Honest & Fair ___ Purple – Respect myself & others
___ Yellow – Friendly & Helpful ___ Magenta – Respect authority
___ Spring Green – Considerate & Caring ___ Green – Use resources wisely
___ Red – Courageous & Strong ___ Rose – Make the world a better place
___ Orange – Responsible for what I say & do ___ Violet – Be a sister to every Girl Scout

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